The Art of Sacred Living is about embodying our connection to all that exists and embracing our limitlessness. It is learning to feed the Holy within and all around us. Enabling us to transcend confining beliefs, create beauty, to tap into our wildness, and connect deeply with Nature and the spirits all around us. It understands that we are part of and have access to a multidimensional universe.
Sacred living acknowledges that all life is sacred, being alive in human form is holy, worthy of reverence and respect. That we are a part of Nature and the web of life from the smallest single celled organism to the infinite cosmos. We are that.

HELLO THERE. I'M TIA TUENGE, founder & director
I am a Sacred Living mentor and coach, a teacher, an energy healer, a gatherer of women, workshop facilitator, an herbalist in training, an Earth steward, a student of ancient feminine history, a creator of sacred space, and a maker of sacred objects.
My work spans a wide array of mediums. I am a devoted seeker, explorer of the infinite, and Earth tender. I have been learning, sharing, teaching, mentoring and hosting sacred gatherings and women’s circles for over a decade. I have spent my adult life studying history, religion, philosophy, and numerous healing modalities, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the workshops and gatherings I design and host.
I incorporate my love of the sacred feminine, Council, ceremony & ritual, meditation/journeying, sacred sound, Reiki & crystal healing and my expertise in the secret history of women into all that I does to create unique and magical experiences that uplifts women and reminds them of their beauty and sovereignty.
Experience + Certifications
Council facilitator trained at the Ojai Foundation, Reiki 2 certified practitioner, certified crystal healer, sound medicine woman, 300YT yoga instructor, and founder and director of Art of Sacred Living and the Center for Sacred Living, and herbalist in training with School of the Sacred Wild.