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Evoking the calming, cleansing energy of the Sea and the majesty of the Moon this mala inspires you  to communicate your highest truth with clarity and confidence.



Aquamarine :: Calming + Enlightenment + Spiritual Awareness | throat chakra | element : water


Aquamarine evokes the ancient and life giving energies of the sea and is a doorway to communication with the Goddess. Aquamarine assists in activating the throat chakra, and in communicating our highest truth. It has a deeply cleansing energy and stimulates the flow of energy and communication from the heart, opening us to a deeper spiritual awareness. It can assist in releasing what no longer serves. It’s also highly connected to the Moon and to the element of water, and is the traditional birthstone for Pisces.


Hand knotted on light blue silk with goldplated accents and a clear quartz pendant. Hangs approximately 20"



Angel Aura Quartz :: Aura Cleanser + Accessing Higher Realms 

crown + etheric chakras | element – water

Angel Aura Quartz is an enhanced crystal, created through a process of electrostatically fusing Quartz with platinum, silver and gold. It’s the ultimate psychic stone for sensitives, healers, and empaths. Excellent for helping one understand the sacred astral plane, invoking psychic protection, psychic visions and highest wisdom. Angel Aura is an excellent Aura Cleanser and acts to stimulate and clear all of the Chakra Energy Centers. It is said that Angel Aura Quartz helps bring one into the higher realms in meditation, facilitating conscious contact with angels, spirit guides and inner realm teachers. It can assist one in communing with Angels, accessing the Akashic records, channeling higher knowledge, remembering past lives and gaining insight into one's spiritual mission in this lifetime.



Luna Mar Mala Necklace

SKU: 0003
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